The Civil Society FfD Group made the following submissions to the six discussion groups organised as a follow-up to the “High-Level Event on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond”.
Submission to Discussion Group I: External Finance, Remittances, Jobs and Inclusive Growth
Submission to Discussion Group II (excel) or pdf: Recovering Better for Sustainability
Submission to Discussion Group III – IV – V: Global Liquidity and Financial Stability; Debt Vulnerability; Private Sector Creditors Engagement
Submission to Discussion Group VI: Illicit Financial Flows
Follow-up Submissions
Submission to DG II – 27 August 2020: Recovering Better for Sustainability
Submission to DG IV-V – 26 August 2020: Debt Vulnerability; Private Sector Creditors Engagement
Submission to DG VI – 27 August 2020: Illicit Financial Flows
Input to Meeting of Finance Ministers at the UN: Statement by Civil Society FfD Group (including Women’s Working Group on FfD)